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Navori Quickblade Infinity Edge

Navori Quickblades: Update Disallows Simultaneous NQ and IE Buildups

Infinity Edge vs. Navori Quickblades: A Video Comparison

Weighing the Merits of Two Powerhouse Items

In a recent update, WEB Navori Quickblades received significant changes that have impacted its build compatibility. While the item remains a viable choice for certain champions, it is crucial to note that players can no longer simultaneously build Navori Quickblades and Infinity Edge (IE). This restriction presents a trade-off for players who must now choose between the two items' unique strengths.

To provide an in-depth analysis, a comprehensive video has been created that compares Infinity Edge and Navori Quickblades. The video meticulously examines the performance and potential benefits of each item, offering valuable insights for players seeking to optimize their builds.

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Based on the video's findings, experts recommend prioritizing Infinity Edge over Navori Quickblades for optimal performance. While Navori Quickblades offers theoretical advantages, its current limitations make it a less effective option compared to the reliable power of Infinity Edge.

For Season 12, a groundbreaking new Lucian build has emerged that explores the synergy between Navori Quickblades and Infinity Edge. The video showcases this innovative build and provides a thorough analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.

Despite the potential benefits of Navori Quickblades as a standalone item for certain champions like Zeri, the inability to combine it with Infinity Edge significantly limits its overall viability. Players are advised to carefully consider the trade-offs before making a decision.
