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The 100 Greatest Animated Films Of All Time

The 100 Greatest Animated Films of All Time

From Disney Classics to Modern Masterpieces, We've Ranked the Best

In the realm of cinema, animation transcends age and captivates hearts of all ages. From the timeless classics of Walt Disney to the groundbreaking achievements of modern masters, animated films have left an indelible mark on the entertainment landscape.

To determine the greatest animated films of all time, we meticulously analyzed 13 authoritative online lists, assigning points to each title based on its critical acclaim. Time Out writers and experts also contributed their insights, ensuring a comprehensive and discerning selection.

This definitive list celebrates the artistry, innovation, and enduring power of animated storytelling. Join us as we unveil the top 100 masterpieces that have captivated generations and left an unforgettable mark on the annals of cinema.
