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Reserve Bank Of Indias Emblem A Symbol Of Strength And Prosperity

Reserve Bank of India's Emblem: A Symbol of Strength and Prosperity

East India Company's Legacy and the Evolution of the RBI's Emblem

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the apex bank of India, and its emblem holds great significance. The emblem features a lion and a palm tree, each representing different virtues. The lion symbolizes courage and strength, while the palm tree represents growth and prosperity.

Colonial Past and the East India Company's Influence

Interestingly, the RBI's official emblem has its roots in the East India Company's original seal and mohur. The East India Company Double Mohur featured a sketch of a lion and palm tree. When the RBI was established in 1935, it decided to use this design as a base for its own emblem, replacing the lion with the tiger, India's national animal.

Selection of the RBI's Common Seal

The RBI's common seal was carefully chosen to serve as the emblem on currency. It was initially used to stamp the Bank's share certificates, and the Madras firm entrusted with this task found the East India Company Double Mohur's design to be most suitable.

Significance of the Lion and Palm Tree

The lion, a symbol of strength and courage, represents the RBI's role as the guardian of the Indian economy. The palm tree, representing growth and prosperity, symbolizes the RBI's commitment to fostering economic development in the country.
