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Anti Islam Populist To Form Most Right Wing Government In Netherlands

Dutch Nationalist Geert Wilders Wins Big in Election

Anti-Islam Populist to Form Most Right-Wing Government in Netherlands

Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders has claimed victory in the country's general election, setting the stage for the formation of the most right-wing government in the Netherlands.

Wilders' Victory

With nearly all votes counted, Wilders' Party for Freedom (PVV) has emerged as the clear winner. The PVV is projected to win 24 seats in the 150-seat parliament, a significant increase from the 12 seats it currently holds.

Wilders, a vocal critic of Islam and immigration, has campaigned on a platform of reducing immigration and withdrawing the Netherlands from the European Union.

Right-Wing Government

Wilders has indicated that he intends to form a coalition government with two other right-wing parties: the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA).

If successful, such a coalition would give Wilders and his allies a powerful platform to implement their policies, which include stricter border controls, reducing welfare benefits for immigrants, and banning Muslim women from wearing face veils in public.


Wilders' victory sends shockwaves through the Netherlands and raises concerns about the rise of right-wing populism across Europe. It remains to be seen how Wilders will wield his newfound power and what the implications will be for the country's political landscape and its relationship with the EU.
